
Letter to the Editor in the Barometer (OSU student paper):

In response to [the article] "Goodbye Rumsfeld, hello ethical future" by Mike Nierengarten.
   "In the end, Rumsfeld may have known nothing about the prisoner abuses. He may not deserve to be fired and blamed, but for the sake of our country's reputation and out of respect for other nations, Rumsfeld needs to be ousted."
   Let's replace a few words and, Mr. Nierengarten with your wonderful logical skills, maybe you can help me find a parallel between your words and the political ideology of terrorists.
   "In the end, Mr. Berg may have had nothing to do with the prisoner abuses. He may not deserve to be imprisoned or beheaded, but for the sake of the reputation of, and out of respect for the Islamic terrorists, Berg needs to be beheaded."
   The similarities are quite astounding don't you think? Firing Mr. Rumsfeld for the acts of a few, or even a few dozen, is an inexcusable idea. Watch the movie "A Few Good Men" or read up on the My Lai Massacre and the following court martials and trial or the Nuremberg trials.
   Every soldier is responsible for his or her own actions, and every member of the military knows this, so quit trying to find a scapegoat in Rumsfeld. It is as wrong as beheading an innocent American.
Corey Brown, Freshman in environmental engineering

So that's an interesting idea. Blaming Rummy for not doing his job is "as wrong as beheading an innocent American"? I realize this person is just a freshman and as such cannot be put entirely at fault for his/her idiocy, but give me a break.

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