Perhaps you did not know this, but there are some situations where paying with exact change is awfully inconsiderate. For your edification:
- when your purchase is based on weight
- when you are unable to correctly estimate the likely cost
- when you don't know how much money and in what denominations you have
- when you are at the head of very lengthy line
Wheezy Gonzales
Susan's Mom is visiting, so last night Susan and I went out to dinner at a "casual dining" restaurant. It was tasty and I have no doubt that they used shocking amounts of butter and cheese in our food. Getting away for a little time alone was nice.
The "casual dining" would be more interesting if it was "causal dining." If you eat item A, event B will happen! Guaranteed! Like Alice in Wonderland or The Matrix or something.
Fast As Fats Can Be
All of the treadmills were taken at the gym when I arrived this evening, and all the timers seemed to indicate that people had quite some time left in their slow, slow moseying. So I went outside and did sprints. 8x70 yards up a very slight grade, with slow jog back for recovery. It was tough. I can't believe I used to actually like doing windsprints.
I remember especially liking the ones during basketball season where you did lines (run from baseline to freethrow stripe, back to baseline, to half court, back to baseline, to far freethrow stripe, back to baseline, to the far baseline and back... while crouched over, pushing along the ground a 2"x4" wrapped in a slightly damp towel.
More Dental Adventures
Sore Hip
An Important Reminder
Entrance to the Labor Market. Or: the Virtue of Luck
Nobody has much control over when they are born. Still, there are a couple of big switches one can throw with regard to when you enter the job market: decide to drop out of secondary school, decide to go to college, decide to seek a professional degree, pop out some babies, etc... but you still can't do much to predict ahead of time that you'll be job-hunting in a wrecked economy.
And it turns out that matters quite a bit. The entire track of your life can be changed, as these economists see just by looking at lifetime earnings.
Stinking On Ice
Google Autosuggest
- when will i die
- when will strasburg pitch next
- when will the world end
- when will verizon get the iphone
- when will stasburg pitch
- when will i be mayor
- when will strasburg pitch again
- when will strasburg be called up
- when will verizon get iphone
- when will the new ipone come out
Don't you love the thought of the same person querying again and again, desperately wanting google to give them the answer to life, the universe, when Strasburg will pitch, and iphone availability schedules?
Also, "when will i be mayor" is a good one. Like some petulant city council member mistaking google for a Magic 8-Ball.