
Wait, What?

This is very confusing on many levels. Apparently a congressman thinks that a suspected terrorist may be released to wander the country, and one of the dangerous consequences is that he might apply for citizenship? Also, he seems to think that could happen when, upon release, he steps into a US embassy... But we don't have any US embassies, you know, inside the US.

Why would he apply for citizenship? Would he then hate himself for his freedoms?


Anonymous said...

This King guy has come up with quite a few doozies.


Tom said...

I'm imagining a really negative version of "Kung Fu." A disheveled jihadi wanders America, wronging rights and looking for his brother.

Anonymous said...

Do you not smash the grasshopper, which is even now at your feet...

Kwai Chang Dad

Anonymous said...

The collected quotes of Steve King:
