The "Never on Sunday" rule was adopted in 1893, when officials feared the noise would spook horses tethered outside churches along the route.Go figure, huh? Also, the weather folk keep promising we'll be getting a big storm in this weekend, and if it keeps up through Monday as expected, it will be the first time the parade has been rained on in 50 years. That year, the Grand Marshall of the parade was Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. This year's Grand Marshall...Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. (Cue Twilight Zone music...)
Rainy days and Mondays...
Merry Christmas...
Sunny days, chasin' the elves away...
- Frog Level
- Tickbite
- Lizard Lick
- Frying Pan Landing
- Soul City
- Kill Devil Hills
- Welcome
- Bat Cave
- Climax
Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.Kind of an odd mix, no?
So I had forgotten that Tommy was deaf, dumb, and blind because of psychological trauma. It has been a while since I've seen the movie, and the music itself has only some detail. Plus, I'm not old, so don't blame me for not having The Who down pat... Anyhow, I was trying to think of how he learned to play pinball, while under the misapprehension that he really was D.D.&B and had always been so. It occurred to me that The Miracle Worker -or any of its countless re-productions by junior high school drama clubs- would have really been funny if there was a scene where Annie Sullivan taught Helen to play pinball.
What is the deal with parents and parenting "styles" or "techniques?" I've read about Ferberizing -it sounds onomatopoetically (yeah, yeah) like when you put your lips against the baby's tummy and blow, making that funny noise, or perhaps a dry-cleaning method, or some kind of upholstery-protecting spray- and about "co-sleeping." So, what do you all think? What did you do to us? How'd that work out for ya? I know I have problems going to sleep even now, so, yeah, thanks a lot.
Apparently doctors shove a starving wolverine into one nostril, where it scratches and eats until it hits brain. Then they pull him out by his tail. Nurses stop the bleeding by packing each nostril with a queen size mattress that is carefully wrapped around a wino.
Thank goodness for my iPod. If I weren't able to drown out the other crap at least part of the day, I'd have gone postal long ago.
Jumpers- Sleater-Kinney
I spend the afternoon in cars
I sit in traffic jams for hours
don’t push me,
I am not OK
the sky is blue most every day
the lemons grow like tumors they
are tiny suns infused with sour
lonely as a cloud
in the Golden State
“The coldest winter that I ever saw
Was the summer that I spent…”
the only substance is the fog
and it hides all that has gone wrong
can’t see a thing inside the maze
there is a bridge adored and famed
the Golden spine of engineering
whose back is heavy with my weight
lonely as a cloud
in the Golden State
“The coldest winter that I ever saw
Was the summer that I spent…”
be still this old heart
be still this old skin
drink your last drink
sin your last sin
sing your last song
about the beginning
sing it out loud
so the people can hear
let’s go!
be still this sad day
be still this sad year
hope your last hope
fear you last fear
your not the only one (4x)
let’s go!
my falling shape will draw a line
between the blue of sea and sky
I’m not a bird, I’m not a plane
I took a taxi to the gate
I will not go to school again
four seconds was the longest wait (4x)
four seconds was the longest
- alligator
- ant (chocolate)
- bison
- chicken
- clam
- cow
- crab
- crayfish
- deer
- duck
- elk
- frog
- game hen
- goat
- goose
- grasshopper
- jellyfish
- sheep
- lamb
- lobster
- mussel
- octopus
- ostrich
- oyster
- pheasant
- pig
- pigeon
- prawn
- rabbit
- salmon
- scallops
- sea urchin
- shrimp
- snail
- squid
- trout
- turkey
- whitefishes
"let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth..."
Genesis 1:26 (KJV)
"I [want] to write only for Jesus Christ...My hope is to live long enough to finish the life of Christ."Funny way God has of repaying this new-found devotion.
Though some popular preachers claim faith produces good fortune, Rice has faced serious problems since rejoining the church: the death of her husband, a diabetic coma and burst appendix (both life-threatening), gastric bypass surgery to counter a dangerous weight gain and surgery for an intestinal blockage.Ouch.
I need turkey and stuff (Portland)
Curly Hair model wanted! (NYC)
I need milk crates...wicked bad (NYC)
Dreads for Art (Cleveland)
11/06 West Wing episode (Los Angeles)
WTF Andrew Earp (L.A.)
Rusty or not...items (Seattle)
BENTONVILLE, Ark. (AP) - For 40 exhausting minutes, Wayne Goldsberry battled a buck with his bare hands in his daughter's bedroom. Goldsberry finally subdued the five-point whitetail deer that crashed through a bedroom window at his daughter's home Friday. When it was over, blood splattered the walls and the deer lay dead on the bedroom floor, its neck broken.
After all, 22 percent of Americans say they've personally seen ghosts, so you can probably get 20 percent to agree to anything.
What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake.
10.07.2005 (an anagram for I am Lord Voldemort)

If I had known we'd get the House, the Senate, and two consecutive terms in the White House (APPLAUSE)—if I'd known all that, I would have had an easier time that Friday on the Cross, let me tell you. (LAUGHTER, APPLAUSE) But seriously, folks (LAUGHTER)—no, seriously, that day did pass, and then two more. Then I rose from the dead. (CHEERS, APPLAUSE) Thank you. I rose from the dead and I flew up to Heaven. But first, you'll remember, I made a little side trip to Hell (SCATTERED BOOS) just to get a look at how they do things. And I'm here to tell you, Hell is just like Heaven (AUDIBLE GASPS)—but with taxes. (LAUGHTER, CHEERS, APPLAUSE)
"Goldilocks Dies With Honor at the Hands of the Three Bears" "Snow White and the Six Dwarves She Killed With Her Bare Hands and the Seventh Dwarf She Let Get Away as a Warning to Others" "There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe With a Big Spike on It" "Hansel and Gretel Offend Vlad the Impaler" "The Hare Foolishly Lowers His Guard and Is Devastated by the Tortoise, Whose Prowess in Battle Attracts Many Desirable Mates"In a similar vein, my officemate Chris points out the following scientific nursery rhymes. See if you can translate them. Example:
A human female, extremely captious and given to opposed behavior, was questioned as to the dynamic state of her cultivated tract of land used for production of various types of flora. The tract components were enumerated as argentous tone-producing agents, a rare species of oceanic growth and pulchritudinous young females situated in a linear orientation.
This food was left behind in the room where officials say Jennifer and George Hyatte stayed.
22 percent of Americans are certain that Jesus will return to earth sometime in the next fifty years. Another 22 percent believe that he will probably do so...Only 28 percent of Americans believe in evolution; 68 percent believe in Satan.
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., July 24 NBC's plunge last TV season -- from first to fourth place among the young viewers advertisers covet -- was "like a colonic" for the network, NBC's entertainment division chief, Kevin Reilly, said Sunday.
Anybody who thinks it takes a village to raise a child has never sat near a crying baby in first class. In these circumstances, if it were up to the village, somebody would be stapling the brat's mouth shut and somebody else would be locking mom in the overhead storage compartment.(Italics mine)
In a study spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in collaboration with Commonweal, researchers at two major laboratories found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies born in August and September of 2004 in U.S. hospitals. Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the group. The umbilical cord blood of these 10 children, collected by Red Cross after the cord was cut, harbored pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage.
This morning, Tom & I were clicking through the TV channels, and we came upon an episode of Monk in which Monk and a kid were out trick-or-treating. A few channels later, we landed on an episode of Spongebob Squarepants that featured Sponge Bob and his starfish buddy dressed up as steaks for some kind of Halloween-related prank. Then this evening, the rerun of The Simpsons was one of the (you guessed it) Halloween specials! What the devil is going on?
The Dalai Lama
Sylvester Stallone (born the same year as Dubya)
rapper 50 Cent (fiddy cen')
Kenny G
and Nancy Reagan
Tsar Nicholas I would also have celebrated his birthday today if he weren't, you know, dead.
The domestic partner law, signed in 2003 by then-Gov. Gray Davis, represents the nation's most comprehensive recognition of gay domestic rights, short of the legalization of gay marriage in Massachusetts and civil unions in Vermont and Connecticut. (emphasis added by me), not so much on the whole "nation's most comprehensive" thing. It's like saying, "We're the best! Oh, except for these other three guys, who are better than we are..." I'm glad we're moving in this direction, but let's not make it seem like we're more liberal and accepting than we actually are, okay CNN?
Lego Bible
Hehe- check it out: scenes from the bible illustrated with legos.
From the Kaiser Chiefs' I Predict a Riot: Oh, watchin' the people get lairy / it's not very pretty, I tell thee / Walkin' through town is quite scary / and not very sensible either...
As is fairly clear from the context of the song, the Brits use "lairy" to mean someone who is being somewhat noisy and a bit abusive...this almost always means someone who has been drinking.
However, the word appears to have older roots in Australia: "Lairy is widely used in Australia to mean either 'flashily dressed, showy' or 'socially unacceptable'. Lairy is thought to have come into Australian English around the end of the nineteenth century from the British slang term leery, meaning 'wide awake, knowing, sharp, streetwise'."
Anyway, just a random fact of the day.
(from Pollkatz via Washington Monthly) What's striking to me, here, is that post-9/11, and after every big "positive" event thereafter, there's approximately the same trend: the downward slope is roughly reproduced after 9/11, the beginning of Gulf War II, the capture of Saddam Hussein, and the 2004 presidential election. That weirds me out- as does the fact that the trend is approximately linear. What the heck? That's not natural in any way. What mechanism is responsible for a linear trend in public opinion? These things should be roughly exponential (like a lot of epidemiological phenomena)... I won't complain about the results, though.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Sachs is also a materialist. He dismisses or downplays those who believe that human factors like corruption, greed, institutions, governance, conflict and traditions have contributed importantly to Africa's suffering. Instead, he emphasizes material causes: lack of natural resources, lack of technology, bad geography and poverty itself as a self-perpetuating trap.David, "corruption, greed, institutions, governance, conflict and traditions" and "poverty" are barely distinguishable. In fact, the idea of poverty as a self-perpetuating trap requires a mechanism- and poor governance, corruption, greed, and [these are] traditions form that mechanism.
- It makes people aware of both conditions and treatments
- It helps engage people with their healthcare
- People tend to both hypochondria and unfounded optimism about the next big thing
- Doctors are frequently undereducated about new drugs
- Overmedication leads to higher healthcare costs
Wow- we just had an earthquake! Sweet! It really shook for a couple of seconds. Hopefully nothing bad happened.
Susan and I went to a concert in Hollywood last night. We went to the show to see OK Go and the Kaiser Chiefs. OK Go was the first opener, though we wanted most to see them, I think. We were happy to also see Kaiser Chiefs... sadly, they had a second opener- a band called Jason Faulkner or Jason Wagner or something- and they sucked... it was like 1989 come home to roost. They wouldn't have been out of place with makeup and long hair. OK Go played a really short set. It was very good, but much too brief. At the end of their set, they did a funny little music video-boy band-dance routine to one of their new songs! It was freaking hilarious- I was all light headed by the end of it. Kaiser Chiefs were great fun- super energetic. The lead singer dove into the crowd (I think twice), pulled up a girl onto the stage and danced with her, and generally bounced around like a Tigger. Their songs were fun and the crowd (which was pretty well packed in) was really into it... Aside from the second opener, it was a great, fun show.
Physicists Do It.... with the least action (Devlin Gualtieri) discretely (Steven Watanabe, Bryan Dorland, Caroline Ritz-Gold) with a Big Bang (Damian Handzy) in Super-Positions (Todd Pittman) with gravity (Roald Wangsness) with increasing entropy (John Hornstein) with chaotic motion (John Hornstein) quantum coherently (John Hornstein) with minimal coupling (Lewis Orphanos) with momentum (James McGee) relatively well with uncertainty Sex is the physics urge sublimated (Daniel Grupp) Old physicists never die; they just accelerate to light speed! (Bill Martin) This car brakes for Schroedinger's Cat (Devlin Gualtieri) Maintain chirality: Pass on the left only (Devlin Gualtieri) Conserve energy: Don't be a joule thief (Joel Liebman) Conserve energy: Commute with a Hamiltonian (Enid Sichel) Ys Matters! (Chris Paul) Gravity Gets Me Down (Seyffie Maleki) Excuse me while I collapse my wave function (Leonard Anderson) Know a Good Quantum Mechanic? (Loren Booda) Honk if you love phonons (Loren Booda)
A very fine idea.Every year, in addition to granting honorary degrees, Williams also honors four high school teachers. But not just any high school teachers. Williams asks the 500 or so members of its senior class to nominate the high school teachers who had a profound impact on their lives. Then each year a committee goes through the roughly 50 student nominations, does its own research with the high schools involved and chooses the four most inspiring teachers.
Each of the four teachers is given $2,000, plus a $1,000 donation to his or her high school. The winners and their families are then flown to Williams, located in the lush Berkshires, and honored as part of the graduation weekend.
On the day before last Sunday's graduation, all four of the high school teachers, and the students who nominated them, sat on stage at a campuswide event, and the dean of the college talked about how and why each high school teacher had influenced the Williams student, reading from the students' nominating letters. Later, the four teachers were introduced at a dinner along with the honorary degree recipients.
"Every time we do this, one of the [high school] teachers says to me, 'This is one of the great weekends of my life,' " said Williams's president, Morton Owen Schapiro. "But it is great for us, too. ...
My conference submission has been accepted and I will be giving a 15 minute presentation at the Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Optical Society of America annual meeting!
Apparently, according to a U.S. customs official, "Being bizarre is not a reason to keep somebody out of this country or lock them up. ... We are governed by laws and regulations, and [the creepy guy in the article] did not violate any regulations." And yet, how much does anyone want to bet that if this guy had been wearing a turban when he tried to get across the border, he'd have been immediately detained?
(for 4 servings)
This is a very quick and easy sauce to make, and it's great for those times when you want a change from jarred sauce but don't have the time or inclination to make marinara from scratch. You can go from ingredients to finished product in the time it takes to boil the pasta.
4-5 small or medium tomatoes (the riper and tastier, the better), chopped
1/4 onion, finely diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
~2 tablespoons olive oil
salt, pepper, parmasean cheese, to taste
Chop/dice/mince the various vegetables and place them in a large bowl. Use a potato masher to smash the tomatoes, thus liberating all their tomatoey goodness. Add olive oil, salt, pepper and parmasean, and stir. Spoon over al dente pasta and enjoy!
"They've taken a notion to speak for themselves, And are wielding the tongue and the pen; They've mounted the rostrum; the termagant elves, And—oh horrid!—are talking to men!" --Maria Weston Chapman
"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here."Brought to you courtesy of our very own Fearless Leader.
-At the President's Economic Forum
"We discussed the way forward in Iraq, discussed the importance of a democracy in the greater Middle East in order to leave behind a peaceful tomorrow."
-At Tbilisi, Georgia, earlier this month
I see a psychiatrist now, too. She hates my guts. She says that I suffer from delusions of sexual superiority. She just wants to [date] me. Get in line, lady!
Lets get out of here: lets just go. Three hundred of us, that'd be great. Let's go bowling right now. Oh, Christ that'd be hysterical. We show up at the same bowling alley at the same time, just freak the guy behind the counter out.We're here!
Holy [crap]! I don't have shoes for these people!
So we went to see Revenge of the Sith last night. It was okay. Like most every review says, the dialogue is crap. The movie is visually good, except some few dumb things. The most memorable dumb thing was the insistence that cutting up close to a light-saber fight will somehow work out well- completely useless shot.
Mace Windu just doesn't sound like he believes the stuff he's saying. Samuel Jackson really seems like he's acting, which is too bad. Yoda's syntax is so stilted that it is a speech impediment, though he has the best line of the whole movie (all the other speaking is down hill from there):
Good relations with the Wookiees, I have.
Sadly, though, Yoda also breaks character when saying goodbye to Chewbacca. I mean- Jedi masters aren't supposed to be sentimental, and there Yoda goes, telling that big ol' overgrown Lhasa Apso that Yoda will miss him? Huh?
The incident which confines Vader to his armor is quite gruesome, though I suppose I expected something a little worse when I saw where it was going to go down... and there are some really dark moments during Anakin's turning. Though I suspect it was more for reasons of ratings that it wasn't more explicit, the implicit menace of Vader's actions in the Council room during the sacking of the Jedi temple was more than sufficient.
Over all, I am with most people in thinking that this one was better than episodes I and II, but inferior to episodes IV and V... I won't comment on episode VI, as I'm having trouble remembering much from it. However, Lucas should be dragged out and shot. And then never allowed back into the director's chair, or be permitted to type, write, or dictate any dialogue. For the good of all mankind.
In the six charter middle schools in [New York City], 49.8 percent of eighth graders met the state standard on the English Language Arts exam [...] In contrast, only 32.8 percent of eighth graders in the public schools were reading and writing at grade level.So, just over half of the charter school 8th graders in NYC are NOT reading at the 8th grade level, and this is an improvement over performance in public schools?! I would ask what in the hell is wrong with this country, but I think I've already got my answer.
It's hot today - TOO hot - and Giblets bans the sun. It is outlawed in all decent Gibfearing lands! Never again shall the brow of Giblets be sullied with its base photonic energy. Three huzzahs and a tally-ho!
And you're off! Runnin over the tops a cars to make the winnin touchdown an punchin out Hitler's brain before it lays a tentacle on your lady friend an the ninja coach gives you the all-star trophy an it's all on accounta pie! An you hold it up in the air an the camera spins all around you an you toss it back to Spiderman or Mr. Rogers or trusted newsman Walter Cronkite who's givin you a thumb's up an the hot pie fillin hits him in the face killing him instantly. The jury is merciless; you receive twenty years to life.
Note first the ingredient lists:
Diet Coke: Carbonated water, caramel color, aspartame, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate, natural flavors, citric acid, caffeine
Splenda-y: Carbonated water, caramel color, natural flavors, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate, sucralose (splenda), acesulfame potassium, caffeine, citric acid
The Diet Coke with Splenda has a more definite vanilla scent, and is generally sweeter- I couldn't really taste the sour note that I like. I didn't get a filmy feel that Coke with high fructose corn syrup leaves. There is much less of a chemical taste to the sweetness than in regular Diet Coke. Strangely, I've come to enjoy that strange little frisson of "What is that? Why, you strange, Ridley Scott-style sweetener!?"
"Talkin' bout my generation" --> "Discussing on the subject of my age group"
Here's a neat thing from Slate, about missing women throughout the world. There's a buried story in there, referring to Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point, a servicable, if a bit half-baked, book.
The thing about Gladwell is, he's good at writing. His books are entertaining, ultimately unsatisfying to me. His books, which, I will grant, are for popular consumption, seem to only graze the surface of the ideas he presents. The lack of depth frustrates me.
[Q:] ...and if I may ask you, Mr. President, as you know, the casualties of Iraq is again high today -- 50 more people dying. Do you think that insurgence is getting harder now to defeat militarily? Thank you.So... we're continuing to fight, too, right? Does that mean we're losing, also?
PRESIDENT BUSH: No, I don't think so. I think they're being defeated. And that's why they continue to fight...
Your beauty and kindnessGood stuff.
Made tears clear my blindness.
While I'm worth my room on this earth
I will be with you.
While the Chief, puts Sunshine On Leith
I'll thank him for his work
And your birth and my birth.
The brisket we ordered was moist and incredibly smoky. His ribs were even better, crusty on the outside, with meat that pulled right away from the bone, as a perfect rib should.
Recipe: Guacamole (this one's for Mom)
- Salt
- Black pepper
- Two sections of garlic
- 1/4 large tomato
- 1/4" thick section of medium red onion
- Two large avocados, slightly softer than you'd really think
- Remove avocado pits, reserving them for later, scoop flesh into bowl
- Dice onion and tomato
- Mince garlic
- Put garlic, onion, and tomato, into the avocado bowl, mash well
- Season with salt and pepper to taste
Try it- you'll like it (and it's really no fattier than the avocado!)!
Today on Fresh Air, one guest is D.James Kennedy, founder of the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ.
Here's a bit about the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ
the CENTER focuses on five key fronts of the modern-day culture war: (1) Religious Liberties, (2) the Sanctity of Life, (3) the Homosexual Agenda, (4) Pornography, and (5) Promoting Creationism.
...and amazingly, the interviewer is able to listen without vomiting.
Ick, I got some Homosexual Agenda on me.
- They'd need a much bigger stage than most theaters have
- Probably Richmond could not have killed Richard without more specialized equipment than a sword
- The squeaks and whalesong would not be ideally suited to sweet-talking widows
- Update: A whale would look funny in a crown.
- 1/4 cup cornmeal
- 1/4 cup pancake-mix
- 1/2 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 tbsp salt
- about 1/2 cup room temperature water
- sbout 1/2 cup corn kernals (freshly scraped or thawed frozen)
- Stir together cornmeal, pancake-mix, sugar and salt in a big ol' bowl.
- Stir in water until the batter is smooth. The texture should be quite viscous.
- Stir in corn kernals until evenly distributed
- Add about 1/4 of an inch of neutral oil to the bottom of a saucepan. Heat until small water drops flung into the oil (from a respectful distance, mind you) kick up oil vigorously but not violently. I'll get a thermometer and determine the actual temperature later.
- Make drops of batter approximately 3 inches in diameter in the hot oil. When a golden-brown color begins to show about 1/3 of the way up the side of the cake, turn and cook until done (total about 2 minutes).
- Remove cakes from oil and drain excess oil.
- Serve with delicious sauces and garnishes that I will figure out another day.
Anyone is welcome to comment!
All you have to do is click the "comments" link at the end of the post you wish to comment on. A window will come up where you can put a name in the name box if you like (the email and URL boxes don't have to be filled out unless you want to) and write what you have to say in the comments box.
Seriously, is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me.
John Adams Hurson, a member of the Maryland House of Delegates who is president of the National Conference of State Legislatures, said: "I am a Democrat, a liberal Democrat, but we can't sustain the current Medicaid program. It's fiscal madness. It doesn't guarantee good care, and it's a budget buster. We need to instill a greater sense of personal responsibility so people understand that this care is not free."So the problem with providing healthcare for the very poor is that we have too many poor and their health needs are too great. Well, restricting their access to healthcare is definitely one way of reducing the number of poor people.
In another town shill hall-style event about Social Security removal reform, Vice President Dick Cheney and various communicants congregants citizens referred to the Democratic Party as people of "the other faith."
This should make people uncomfortable- the continual establishment of an out-group by may be sound as politics-by-division, but the final result of that tactic leaves us farther from comity than ever. In fact, it sets us on the slippery-slope of contracting the moral circle... and that is a scary proposition (outside the moral circle is a scary preposition).
It reminds me of (of all things) a Tom Clancy novel, where the protagonist says something about politicans from one state promising to stick it to people from another state and wondering rhetorically if residents of that "other" state are not Americans, too.
1. All teams must advance to the Sweet 16, and all will win the championship. If a team does not win the championship, they will be on probation until they are the champions, and coaches will be held accountable.
2. All kids will be expected to have the same basketball skills at the same time and in the same conditions. No exceptions will be made for interest in basketball, a desire to perform athletically, or genetic abilities or disabilities. ALL KIDS WILL PLAY BASKETBALL AT A PROFICIENT LEVEL.
"Portland is a great city that attracts a lot of educated people. But the real estate is becoming outrageously expensive. And then you get wealthy singles and wealthy retirees. What's missing are kids."School enrollment in Portland has apparently decreased by 10,000 kids in the last decade, and there are currently more dogs than children in San Francisco.
CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) - An Oregon State football had a stolen sheep in the bed of his pickup when he was pulled over for speeding last week, Benton County authorities said.That's some alma mater. Ba-dum dum!
Loki, the evil cat that lives with us, developed a stricture in his urethra a week we took him to his vet. After a week, his vet for some reason did not get back to us about his urinalysis (we took him in last week because he was spending a lot of time at the litterbox to little effect). So yesterday we took him to the emergency animal clinic and they had to catheterize the poor bastard to allow him to eliminate liquid waste.
Damn our regular vet (with whom Loki will be staying for the next few days).
There is growing unease over whether human stem cells could migrate to other parts of the animals, creating human sperm or eggs in their reproductive systems. Should two such "chimera mice" mate, it could lead to the nightmarish scenario of a human embryo trapped in a mouse's womb.
"Excuse me, Mr. Bolton, but we're not taking your picture for the new Got Milk? ad until after the press conference..."
Gone for good The Shins
Untie me, I've said no vowsIt's sort of erudite isn't it, what with the whole poison in the ear reference?
The train is getting way too loud
I gotta leave here my girl
Get on with my lonely life Just leave the ring on the rail
For the wheels to nullify Until this turn in my head
I let you stay and you paid no rent
I spent twelve long months on the lam That's enough sitting on the fence
For the fear of breaking dams I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there It took me all of a year
To put the poison pill to your ear
But now I stand on honest ground, on honest ground You want to fight for this love
But honey you cannot wrestle a dove
So baby it's clear You want to jump and dance
But you sat on your hands
And lost your only chance Go back to your hometown
Get your feet on the ground
And stop floating around I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there
One mother, who herself teaches Sunday school but nevertheless opted out of the program, explains it better than I ever could: "I asked them whether Jesus was a Christian and they said 'yes.' When I said, 'Jesus was a Jew,' one girl said, 'But Jesus was a good person.' "